Saturday, June 15, 2013

Q: How successful has been the promotion of local languages in Pakistan been since 1947? Give reasons for your answer. [14]

ANS: Since 1947, the Pakistan government has took strong measures for the development and promotion of its regional languages, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto and Balochi, though some others like Brohi, Persian, Kashmiri and Siraiki are also

Punjabi, which is widely understood in Punjab, Azad Kashmir and few areas of N.W.F.P, has been promoted by the Govt. through media. Punjabi films, dramas and theatres have been become very popular. Newspaper, journals and magazines
have also been very significant in promoting Punjabi culture & literature. New poets and writers like Munir Niazi, Ahmad Rahi, S.Kunjahi, Ashfaq Ahmad, Bano Qudsia and others have produce master pieces of poetry and writings in Punjabi. The Holy Quran has also been translated into Punjabi by M.Ali Faiq. Punjabi is taught up to MA level in Punjab University and Punjab Academy has translated and produced many books in Punjabi. This way round its promotion is quite significant.

Pashto, language spoken in N.W.F.P, has also been given due important in promotion and development. Peshawar University was established after 3 year of independence where Pashto is taught up to MA level. Pashto Academy was set up in 1954 which has prepared a well-renowned dictionary under Maulana A.Qadir. Pashto dramas and films have also gained importance. Pashto papers, journals and books have also helped Pashto language to promote. New writers & poets have also added to this contribution by producing classic poetry and stories Pashto typewriter has also been prepared. Hence Pashto has greatly been promoted over the year.

Sindhi, spoken in Sindh, have also been nourished and nurtured through promotion and development since 1947. Sindhi literary board was set up in 1948 which had produced many books with coordination of poets like F.N Bux and G. Allone. Sindhi library in Karachi has helped Sindhi literature spread. Many folk
writings have also been produced. Bazm-e-Talib-ul-Muola have been set up which translates books into Sindhi. Sindhiology Dept. in Jamshoro University and development & promotion of Sindhi literature and culture through modern means.
Example: TV, radio, newspapers e.t.c.

Balochi language which was at its decline before partition was given special attention for its promotion. Radio Pak Karachi now also broadcast in Balochi. Quetta TV centre have been producing marvelous dramas to help, develop and translate many books to Balochi and new poets like Atta Shad and writers have
greatly contributed towards its promotion.

Thus, Pakistan has been very successful in promotion of its local languages. These languages have developed a lot due to Government policies designed for this purpose. On the other hand, poets & writers have also aided in this promotion and

BY. Sohail Khan Luni


  1. Very helpful, but there could be a little bit of an addition; try making a comparison to Urdu and then make a conclusion.

    1. But that type of conclusion would be in a question like,
      Why did Pakistan chose Urdu as its national language? etc....
      This Questions conclusion is different....!!

    2. Thanks a lot. It is really helpful.

    3. ya right!! urdu should be added

    4. Urdu is not the local language. Languages like Punjabi Sindhi Balochi pushto etc are the local languages but you can write 2 or 3 lines for Urdu if you want

  2. but do we need to add failures of the languages in the above question.?bcz it mentions the word successful

    1. no !The word success is asking for its positive points not negative

    2. Ur wrong Cie always asks for comparison

  3. Nice background and thanks for the answer, tomorrow is my class test regarding this chapter and khilafat movement

  4. thanks and nice background of CR7

  5. Where are the failures? this would get maximum 11/14. you have to give some failures.

    1. No need to put failures . They only ask for success. positive points

  6. Just write in the end...That 'it is also a fact that Pakistani government mostly focused on the development of Urdu and didnot give enough attention to the local languages.

  7. this is really a good answer i was almost confused while reading the chapter but after reading this i have a satisfaction i understanded something

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Would u plzz tell some failures not for this answer just for knowledge

  10. thank you for this article.
    it helped me a lot in my project

  11. Thanx a lot...It helped me for my exam

  12. Very good I get many points from this

  13. Needs intro also
    Indeed good try
    From Uk

  14. how successful mean that you have to tell the successes and failures both, you have only told the successes not the failures, the question also requires the failures of local language.

  15. Very very helpful thankyou
    sohail khan luni

  16. Can some one ans this question? Punjabi is the most developed regionl language of Pakistan. Explain why?

  17. Can some1 ans this question? Punjabi is the most developed regionl language of Pakistan. Explain why ?

  18. why have you not written about the urdu language? i think u may add it as it was also a very important language

  19. Positive and great points welcome

  20. very helpful and precise answer...JazakaAllah khair

  21. Really helpful in the mean of plagiarism
    the work which might took 30 to 40 mins i did it in 5 minutes

  22. Very bad gesture ! He copy pasted from another site

  23. any answer for this question of 4 marks

    how has the pakistani government promoted the development of balochi since 1947

  24. The question says that how successful? That means we also have to write failure. Please correct it!
